50 How to Processes

  1. How to clean your shoes
  2. How to use a fork
  3. How to take a selfie
  4. How to jump rope
  5. How to use a computer
  6. How to get a girlfriend
  7. How to open the fridge
  8. How to tie your shoes
  9. How to laundry your clothes
  10. How to walk up the stairs
  11. How to listen to music
  12. How to pray for your food
  13. How to shoot a basketball
  14. How to draw a person
  15. How to turn on your car
  16.  How to order online
  17. How to do a push-up
  18. How to play piano
  19. How to catch a ball
  20. How to fall asleep
  21. How to call your mom
  22. How to stay awake
  23. How to order fast food
  24. How to fly a plane
  25. How to drive a car
  26.  How to ride a dinosaur
  27. How to fall off a building
  28. How to make eggs without eggs
  29. How to fall in love
  30. How to cry inside your room
  31. How to become the President
  32. How to unclog the toilet
  33. How to dye your dog’s hair
  34. How to attract a mother goose
  35. How to jump out of a plane
  36. How to read a book
  37. How to serenade a rock
  38. How to paint in the dark
  39. How to use a fire extinguisher
  40. How to fish a priest
  41. How to fight a kangaroo
  42. How to swim with sharks
  43. How to read underwater
  44. How to reenact a fight
  45. How to act in a play
  46. How to braid your hair
  47. How to eat a slice of pizza
  48. How to hatch an egg
  49.  How to turn off the lights 
  50. How to cook chicken wings
